Friday, July 22, 2011

Cuckoo's Coel's and the Universal Language of Loving Listening

It's 710pm Friday evening our time. You are probably just getting started on the day. Our day has been full of ups and downs. Jeff had the first intestinal rumblings which seem settled for now.

Our first meeting was a bit of a crisis and quite tedious. Let's just say that counseling isn't abundant here, so our listening and recommendations were welcome.

At least I am still napping during the mid-afternoon. Natives say that this is not uncommon due to a combination of jet lag and the overwhelming nature of what we see and here.

This afternoon we met another new friend with a remarkable and humbling story. She has been called to love her husband reason, and in so doing is filled with unreasonable peace and joy. Talk about humbling. Due to work opportunities he has worked in a different country for 18 years. Can you imagine the challenges of such a long distance relationship?

The birds are remarkable. Today we heard and spotted a cuckoo, and still the coel's (spelling) awaken with the strangest screaming songs at about 4am. On good nights we sleep through. On bad ones we fantasize putting them over a fire on a spit for breakfast. You think roosters are bad!

The gathering of friends earlier in the week afforded opportunity to share the heart and skill of loving listening. It is the single most mentioned help to the folks with whom we have met since that gathering. This is a "telling" society, which means they are slow to listen, but quick to advise. Testimonies of relationship breakthroughs in marriage, with children, colleagues abound. Listening with heart and skill seems to be a universal language of love.

Off to dinner w/ our hosts, an older Australian couple surrendered to help as many as possible as well as they can, as long as they can. If you know an Aussie or two you can imagine our fun. They have quick minds, quick wits, and irrepressible optimism.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers! We can't wait to share more, including many pictures. Internet connetion remains sketchy, so I can't upload much to fbook. Currently I'm on a balcony so that the mobile stick can retrieve satellite signals between concrete buildings.

Love, US

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